Tree Surveys in Accordance with BS5837:2012

(Development Sites)

Bad examples

Local Authorities have a duty under planning legislation to ensure trees are protected on development site proposals. Therefore, developers must meet the planning procedures by submitting a tree survey and report to support a planning application in accordance with BS5837:2012.

A BS5837 survey enables both the developer and the Local Authority to identify the impacts of development on important trees within the proposal. It can also inform a suitable design layout at the early planning stages through assessment of tree constraints, making appropriate design layout alterations where appropriate.

We can offer years of experience with an emphasis on detail and advice to provide our clients with the appropriate support they require for their needs.
Please contact us for further details.

On-site Supervision

Following planning permission local planning authorities may request that wherever trees on or adjacent to a site have been identified on the tree protection plan for protective measures, there should be an auditable system of arboricultural site monitoring.

This should extend to arboricultural supervision whenever construction and development activity is to take place within or adjacent to any RPA.

Often site monitoring will include examples below, but not limited to:

  1. Position of tree protection fencing.
  2. Installation of hard surfacing
  3. Installation of “no dig” structures.
  4. Installation of services.
  5. Installation of specialised foundation types.
  6. Liaison with the local authority tree officer.
  7. Removal of protection measures upon completion of works.

01902 701057

07870 602501

8 Letchmere Ln, Pattingham, Wolverhampton WV6 7AH